FAQs – Useful information

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Polaris Team

Can I change the sender email address?

All Polaris e-mails, newsletters and other messages are always sent from a single and central e-mail address no-reply@polaris.rotary.xx, where xx stands for the domain of a specific country, e.g. .at, .be, .ch, .es, .fr, etc.. This e-mail address cannot be changed!

However, it is possible to change the name of the sender and the email address of the recipient, more information here

Can I import external email addresses as recipient groups?

Yes, that is possible. The prerequisite is a table in the appropriate Excel format (.xlsx). Special rules apply, which are described here.

What are content blocks in Polaris?

Content blocks are building blocks that play an important role in creating modern and readable websites for the club or the district. The layout of the content blocks is predefined and can only be customized to a limited extent, but they ensure that the website always looks right and also works on tablets and smartphones.

The following blocks are currently available in all Polaris applications:

  • Primary image & text
  • Title
  • Text HTML
  • Image with text
  • Single image
  • Single file
  • Separator
  • Video
  • Related event
  • File collection
  • Image collection
  • Related content
  • Folder
  • Member
  • Button
  • Plan image

You can find out here how to use the individual modules optimally.

How should I best organize folders and archives?

Folders are ideal for storing documents in the club or district and making them available to authorized persons. This is done in the "Documents" section and the visibility is set at the folder level.

A well thought-out folder structure is necessary because restricting the visibility of board documents for club members affects all lower-level folders. You can find here detailed instructions on this topic.

Can I upload several files at the same time?

Yes, this is possible, but the maximum size of a file is limited to 20 Mb and the total size of all files selected at once must not exceed 100 Mb.

Images that exceed 2000 px are automatically and proportionally reduced to this size during upload and then have a maximum size of 4 Mb. The order of the uploaded files can be changed later in Polaris.

You can find detailed information about this here.

*NEW* (20.07.2024)

Polaris - E-mails and newsletters dispatch

Polaris uses the mail service provider Postal to send e-mails and Newsletters.

It may happen that some recipients do not receive the mail addressed to them. There may be several reasons for this, some of which can be solved within Polaris, while others concern the recipient's personal e-mail settings.

Detailed explanations can be found here.

*NEW* (20.07.2024)

What to do if forwarded emails or newsletters do not reach the recipient correctly?

The problem doesn't come from Polaris, it comes from the anti-SPAM or anti-virus software that scans the outgoing forwarded mail traffic from your own mailbox and modifies the message. Depending on the product you use and its configuration, images, links and other elements may be removed.

The solution to this problem is quite simple. Instead of forwarding from your own mailbox, send the original message via Polaris directly to all the recipients you want to reach (select recipient group(s) / add individual recipient(s)).

How can I search for articles or documents?


Clicking on Content Search allows you to search the entire web content (events, projects, newsletters, bulletins, articles and documents) for any word = Google-like search. The results can be filtered by time restrictions, number of clubs or districts searched and the type of content.

The details can be found here.