Version R1.4.0

Monday, September 2, 2024

Team Polaris

Short description

Polaris version R1.4.0 contains two major new features.

Registration module

The improved registration system for events offers the following enhancements:

  • When the event is open to companions, the main participant must register each accompanying person by name.
  • Any questions on the registration form may also be asked of companions.
  • It is possible to create questions containing a unit price; the total amount to be paid by the principal participant is calculated automatically.
  • direct online payment option, validating the registration, is available on an annual subscription basis.

The implementing of these options will remove the "Dependent events" functionality.

Four options of registration mode

  1. OPTION 1 | No price/No payment is the by-default setting and does not offers price calculation or payment management.
  2. OPTION 2 | Price set in financial parameters of event/Payment with Finance module includes financial parameters and makes it possible to manage payments in Polaris. 
  3. OPTION 3 | Price per answer/Payment handled outside of Polaris makes it possible to indicate a unit price for each type of question; the total amount due by the main participant is paid on the spot or according to the terms defined by the club (not in Polaris Finance module).
  4. OPTION 4 | Price per answer/Immediate online payment is an optional variant of option 3; its special feature is that it allows immediate online payment of the total amount due by the principal participant.

Options 1 and 2 already exist, the new feature being the nominal registration of each companion. Future events already created in Polaris do not benefit from the new features; they must be created anew (icon Duplicate) so that they contain the new features of Polaris version 01.4.

Options 3 and 4 are new, with the elective option 4 only appearing in the list of options once an account has been created with the Payrexx payment provider.

Online payment

9k=The online payment feature will be available in Polaris at the end of September.

Clubs and other Rotarian organizations (e.g. districts, foundations, fellowships, ...) have the option of concluding a contract with the payment service provider Payrexx AG, 3600 Thun («Payrexx») in order to process online payments. This makes it possible to pay online for events, products, donations, etc., using the usual means of payment (Visa, Mastercard, TWINT, PostFinance, PayPal, Klarna, etc.).

Detailed information on terms and conditions and prices.

For detailed information please contact your DICOs.