DICO - District Internet & Communication Officer
The DICO, although not being an official district officer as defined by the RI, plays a major role in providing IT solutions support to both clubs and the district management team.
DICO's skills and activities
Ideally, the person assigned as DICO combines most of the following skills:
- keen interest in IT solutions (no need to be an IT professional)
- good knowledge of Polaris features
- ability to explain simply to club or district admins how to handle the various and most used Polaris features
- build a team with complementary IT skills and collaborate with DICO teams from other districts in his/her country
- resource person for CICOs and other admins who encounter problems using Polaris
- essential partner of the Polaris team to:
- forward to the team via RedMine, our common ticketing tool, feedback from his/her district concerning Polaris or requests he/she was unable to handle directly (bugs, support requests or feature improvement proposals)
- forward to clubs and other users in his/her district communications from the Polaris team (regular updates, feature development, periodic information from the Polaris community, etc.).
In short, the DICO is a key cog in the Polaris community.
Find here the introduction to the RedMine ticketing system.