Short description R1.4.06 contains a new function and some bugs have been fixed. New function:The visibility of the Rotary Magazine can now be restricted (access with login or access without =...
Die 4 Polaris Fragen für den president elect Analog zu den 4 rotarischen Fragen: 4 Polaris Fragen für den president elect:Persönlich: Stimmen meine Koordinaten, habe ich genügend Rechte und eine digit...
Short description R1.4.05 contains a new feature and some bugs fixes the event registration system and online payment process. New feature: The visibility of social network logos - icons on the...
The year 2025 brings lots of exciting updates for Polaris! You can look forward to new features, optimized functions and even simpler operation that will make club management even easier. With innova...
Der Distrikt 1980 und das Polaris Team offerieren Webinare für Chargierte in den Clubs im ersten Semester 2025Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2025, 19:00 hWebinar für President elect und President nomineeDonn...
Short description R01.4.04 contains one new feature and some bugs in the registration system of events and online payment have been fixed. New features: New options for adding, registering and ed...
Short description R01.4.03 contains one new feature and some bugs in the registration system and online payment have been fixed. New features: Exporting member data separates address data into se...
Short description R01.4.02 contains no new features. Some bugs in the registration system and online payment have been fixed. For detailed information, please contact your DICOs. You have access to...
Short description R01.4.01 contains no new features. Some bugs in the registration system and online payment have been fixed. In this version, the automated creation of events according to the club...
Kratak opis Polaris verzija R1.4.00 sadrži dvije glavne nove mogućnosti. Modul za registraciju Poboljšani sistem registracije za događaje nudi sljedeća poboljšanja:Kada je događaj otvoren za pratioce,...
Short description R01.3.16 contains new features and some bug fixes. New features:Support for Interact community has been added to Polaris. Members of interact clubs will be either: Guests fro...
FAQ (Pitanja/Odgovori) o Polarisu Kako je Polaris FAQ sekcija značajno porasla tokom godina, sada je predstavljena prema sljedećim principima:Klasifikacija u 8 Tematska područja koje pokrivaju glavne ...
Short description R01.3.15 contains one new features and some bug fixes. New features:Phone numbers are entered in accordance with the international standard. The entry of leading "0" is no longer ...
Short description R01.3.14 contains two useful new features and some small bug fixes. New features:The "Duplicate" feature, previously limited to publications in the Newsletters and Emails sections...
Short description R01.3.13 contains two new important features and some small bug fixes. New features:All club members can view the composition of their Board (as well as that of all clubs in their...
Short description R01.3.12 contains one important new feature and some small bug fixes. New features:A new HELP button has been added to the navigation bar, linking to the summary page containing a...
Short description R01.3.11, contains three new features and some small bug fixes. New features:The header title of the home page now includes the name of the club. This will help to find the clubs ...
Short description R01.3.10, contains some new features and some small bug fixes. New features:Limit the time for member termination and transfer to maximum 28 days in the past, to comply with RI r...
Za nekoliko sedmica postojeći administrativni program Rotary Austrije i Bosne i Hercegovine bit će pretvoren na novi Polaris sistem iz Švicarske.Pitali smo koordinatora projekta i DICO iz 1920. godine...
Short description R1.3.9, contains some new features and some bug fixes. New features:Logic to decide in which language a content is displayed has been improved. In case only one language exist it...
Za vikend od 8. do 11. marta 2024. oba okruga (1910. i 1920.) će se prebaciti na Polaris sistem. Pripreme su u punom jeku posljednjih dana. Strana Krajem januara održane su brojne obuke za administra...
Kurzbeschreibung R1.3.8 ist, wie die Vorgängerversion R1.3.7, eine reine Fehlerkorrektur. Es wurden keine neuen Funktionen eingeführt.Behobene Fehler: Ein Mitglied mit der Rolle "Präsenzverwaltung" ...
Short description R1.3.7 is purely a bug fix. No new features have been introduced. Fixes done:The registration confirmation e-mail is no longer sent again when attendance is entered.Member with rol...
Short description R1.3.6 is a last part of Release 1.3 of Polaris. There are some bug fixes and some very important new features: Major usability improvements were done in the administration. The c...
Short description R1.3.5 is a next part of Release 1.3 of Polaris. There are some bug fixes and some important new features: For an event with registration, the list of registered persons can be au...