Serge Dupont, Polaris Ambassador
In 2019-2020, as Governor of the D1690, I
was convinced - I still am - that our movement had to adapt to the
economic, technical, societal, etc. evolutions of the world around us,
otherwise it would wither and disappear. The choice of an efficient computer tool was part of this concern. We chose Polaris.
It is a proven software package - twenty years of existence -, evolving (at least two new releases per year) to meet the needs and expectations of the user Districts. It is supported by a solid and perennial structure:
four Rotarian designers, a service company which writes the code and a
team of trainers/maintainers. It fulfills the requirements of the European RGPD legislation and benefits from the experience of nineteen user Districts. It is designed by Rotarians for Rotarians, within the framework of a non-profit association, and is approved by Rotary International.
we are so enthusiastic about the results we have achieved regarding our
image and the rigor of the management of our Clubs and Districts, that
the Polaris IT team and me have decided to "spread the word" to European Districts which are not yet using Polaris!