Protection of other personal data
Such persons are guests and speakers who participate in Rotary events. The following principles must be observed:
- Publication of guest and speaker data outside of Rotary (i.e. publicly) is only permitted with the explicit consent of the person. It must be stated which data will be passed on to whom and for what purpose.
- The term "personal data" includes all data about the person, i.e. name, first name, date of birth, address, e-mail, telephone number, occupation, employer, place of work, position, etc.
Practical examples:
- A club lecture by Dr. Hans Mustermann from the University of Basel on the topic "Drug research without animal testing" may only be published publicly with Dr. Mustermann's consent. It must be clear which information is published where.
- A club lecture by Dr. Hans Mustermann from the University of Basel on the topic "Drug research without animal testing" may, without his consent, be announced only to Rotarians and Rotaractors, i.e. accessible on Web after login, with release for at most "All members (all units)".
- A district event such as PETS, district conference, seminar, etc. shall be visible only to Rotarians and Rotaractors, i.e. after login, with visibility to no more than "All members (all units)".
- A Rotary benefit concert or golf tournament may be published publicly. Consent should be sought from performers and/or organisers who are named.
Visibility "Board members (own unit)" and "Board and Committee members (own unit)" depends on the club's internal privacy policy and has nothing to do with data protection. The recommendations are as follows:
- An event in which only club members can participate should be visible only to club members.
- An event that only Board and Committee members can attend may be visible for all members of the club or only to the Board and Committee members, depending on club constitution. RI recommends that Board minutes be available to club members.