Rotary tradition is to meet and eat together, to firm the friendship and live the positive moments together. Let us enjoy an evening and talk not only about Polaris. The Polaris team invites you to a dinner.
Cosa offre l'opzione di pagamento online in Polaris e Payrexx? Il pagamento online è una funzione opzionale di Polaris disponibile per qualsiasi club, distretto o altra organizzazione come le Fondazioni o le Amicizie. Offre vantaggi quali: => Pagamento anticipato dell'evento Migliore pianifica...
Annual meeting 2024 Preliminary agenda Polaris overall status reportSituation in Iceland Situation in Sweden after redistrictingSEMDA 3 status and features DiscussionIf there are further topics to be discussed, please send them by e-mail to by 1. November 2024. The working lan...
Annual meeting 2024Thank you for your very active participation in this year's meeting! As announced, here are the notes taken during the session: Following topics have been recorded:Idea: integrate DGs, DGEs and DGNs into RS Polaris to give them direct access to more Polaris content than just pub...
Annual meeting 2024Thank you for your very active participation in this year's meeting! As announced, here are the notes taken during the session: Following topics have been recorded:Idea: add the DG, DGE and DGN to RS Polaris (Other Contacts), to give them access to more information than is avail...
Annual meeting 2024Thank you for your very active participation in this year's meeting! As announced, here are the notes taken during the session: Following topics have been recorded:Idea: add DGs, DGEs and DGNs to RS Polaris (Other Contacts), to give them access to more information than is availa...
Accesso a Teams e alla sala “meet the expert" Il webinar è strutturato in modo tale che i partecipanti possano passare alla sala virtuale: meet the expert in qualsiasi momento durante la dimostrazione dal vivo, dove potranno porre le loro domande a un esperto Polaris. Quando si accede a Teams, è nec...