What does the online payment option in Polaris and Payrexx offer?
Online payment is an optional Polaris feature for any club, district or other organizations such as Foundations or Fellowships. It offers you advantages such as:
Advance payment for your event
For event organizer => Better planning and simpler event management.
=> Participation without direct payment on site
Fast admittance of registered participants.
=> Registration of each individual
Registration of multiple companions, visitors and non-members.
=> Not linked to the Polaris finance module
Use online payment for large events and the finance module for weekly lunches.
=> Organize donation campaigns
Create own donation pages with direct money collecting.
=> Sell merchandising articles or products of your club
Create own webshop pages.
=> And many new possibilities that are still to come
Polaris will be further expanded at this point. E.g. payment of the annual club fees.
See also comparison of online payment and the finance module.