At the start of the search, the list of results is empty because the complete list of members is two large and irrelevant.
Use the 3 fields below to filter your search, then click on
button to launch it.

Enter search term(s)
You must enter at least 3 characters (but it's advisable to enter more for finer filtering) in the first search field (red framed). It doesn't matter whether the characters are at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Likewise, upper-/lowercase, umlauts and accent marks are meaningless. If you enter multiple words separated by a space, the AND operator is applied.
Which personal data to search for?
The drop-down menu in the second field (green framed) makes it easy to specify which personal data must be searched for. You can choose between following search options (the first line is selected by default):

Note: Any member can intentionally hide his/her personal data. In this case, you won't find this member in your search.
Where to search for one or more member(s)?
The drop-down menu in the third field (blue framed) makes it possible to specify which district, region or club to search; you can only choose one entity (by default, all clubs in your district are searched).

Clubs are sorted alphabetically within each district. Special clubs, foundations, scholarships and other units are not listed.