Meeting locations and schedules

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Team Polaris

Location = The place where the club meets.

Schedule = The schedule indicating when the club meets.

Each club can have several locations and several schedules. A schedule always refers to a single location. That is why you must first create the possible location(s) before you can create a schedule.

Locations are typically restaurants or places where the club meets regularly or occasionaly. A web meeting with a constant address can also be considered as a location.

The location of a one-off event should be entered in the event itself.

The schedules include details such as the day of the week and the frequency of regular meetings.


The schedules and locations are displayed in the footer on the club's home page, including a route planner and a google map. If there are several schedules, the display changes every 4 seconds. If no schedule or location is defined, or if they are not linked together, an empty footer appears.

On the left and right edges of the blue image there are arrows to scroll through the schedules. (Slider)

The name is sufficient for the description of the location, but in order for the map and directions to be displayed, it is necessary to enter the complete postal address.


Schedules define when and with which periodicity the meetings take place.

You must define the day of the week and the periodicity. In addition, you define the start and end time, and the location, as well as some default parameters of the meetings.

If your meetings take place every first week of the month, then select the periodicity "every first week". If your meetings take place every week, you must select the first, second, third, fourth and last week.

If you have a different periodicity in summer and winter, either create two schedules or describe the rules in the Content tab of the schedule.

Generation of the events

Once you have created the locations and schedules, you can have the future events automatically generated into the calendar. To do this, select for the respective schedule the tab "Depending Events" 

You must now enter a future time window, then start the creation of the events.

Tip: Create only events for a maximum of 6 months. If the events are not correct, you must then delete them one by one.

If one performs as an update of events, only the ones which have not been edited manually will be updated. Deleted events are re-created. The creation is done via a background job, so the results will only be visible after a few minutes. As long as the creation is running, the following message is displayed: 


To see the created events, you must either click its Search button or switch to the calendar. In order to display the created events one needs to refresh the page.

The created events have all the same standard parameters, the name of
the schedule and the same content including the picture. They remain hidden in frontend ( Visibility "Content is made visible" OFF)
The events are also created on public holidays and must eventually
be deleted manually.