Help! Dear Polaris Support...

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Team Polaris

A Rotarian has registered several times for the same club event?

Your CICO and the Polaris team will support you

Answer of the Polaris Support:

For this event, the visibility was set to ‘Members and anonymous visitors’. This means that anyone - Rotarian or not - has access to this event.

Polaris therefore has no way of knowing who is accessing the website. Therefore, a member can register multiple times 

Support is provided by the CICOs and DICOs and by the Polaris Team. However, the organisation is different in the countries.

Here you can find the Polaris support of the countries

Support for My Rotary

The My Rotary system is operated and supported by Rotary International and is not the same as Polaris. If you need support for My Rotary, please login with into your My Rotary account (not the one for Polaris!) and contact Rotary Support Center at .

Rotary International Europe/Africa Office

Rotary International
Marco Nicosia
Witikonerstrasse 15, 8032 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel: (41-44) 387 71 11 Fax: (41-44) 422 50 41,
Opening hours: 8.30 - 17.30