SEMDA-3 version goals:
Provide API suitable for interactive and non-interactive applications.
- Allow immediate display of validation errors to the user.
- Increase data quality in RI.
- Reduce support effort in the clubs, in SEMDA and in RI.
- Dissolve the dependency of local CMS on the RI availability and performance.
- Decouple the dependency of Local CMS on the RI-API structures.
- Hide future changes of RI-API.
- Provide advanced consolidated functions not available in RI-API.
- Provide scalable message-based API serving multiple local CMS.
- Simplify operations and reduce operations costs of SEMDA and of the Local CMS.
- Enforce technological renewal of the product.
The major differences to version 2 :
- No exchange of XML files containing all data. API only.
- Data changes applied to RI in near time.
- No daily batch processing.
- No emails sent by SEMDA to clubs informing them about errors.
- No SEMDA error reports.
- No intermediate database in SEMDA. RI requests are securely queued.
- SEMDA Infrastructure located and operated in Switzerland instead of Sweden.
- Different implementation language and tools.
- Different operations & support organization (Cloudtec & Polaris-team).
- The local CMS vendor must have a valid contract with RCS in order to use SEMDA.