Þátttaka og viðvera

miðvikudagur, 9. nóvember 2022

Team Polaris

Hugtök og skilyrði:

Skyldumæting á við reglulega vikulega rótarýfundi klúbbs.

Skráning er staðfesting á væntanlegri þátttöku af eða á. Það hefur ekkert að gera með staðfestingu á þátttöku eða viðveru eins og lýst er um skráningu funda.

Mæting er staðfesting á viðveru á fundi.

Mætingar(stig) (stig eða hlutfall) eru hins vegar uppsöfnuð stig fyrir þátttöku í verkefnum og slíku og hins vegar reiknað hlutfall í % fyrir mætingu á reglulegum fundum yfir ákveðið tímabil.

Mætingarstig er gefin fyrir þátttöku í sjálfboðastarfi. 

Mætingarhlutfall má sjá á vefsíðu klúbbins undir „Mín mæting“.

Vefstjórar klúbba geta safnað og sótt mætingarskýrslur fyrir fundi eða tímabil.

Fulltrúar umdæmis hafa aðgang að mætingum í klúbbum. Skýrslur um mætingu þarf því ekki að senda til umæmis.

Mæting og viðvera

1. Attendance

Attendances can only be recorded on the day of the event or afterwards. How to capture attendance is described in the article Event life cycle.

The participants list for a club event contains all active members of that club. To keep track of all attendees, visitors from other clubs should be added to this list by their QR-code or by using the "+ Create" button. Thus all community members can be easily found and selected. Also any other person e.g. the speaker can be added. 

To keep track of all attendees, visitors from other clubs should be added to this list by their QR code or by using the "+Create" button. This way all community members can be easily found and selected. Any other person can also be added, for example the speaker.

For events like a board meeting, the attendance is confirmed for participating members only.

For district events, the attendance list is empty. It is assumed that attendees register and are therefore automatically added to the list, or that they are manually added to the list by the organizer.

Maintaining a consistent and complete participant list  is essential for the correct counting of the presence points, as well as for the accounting of the financial transactions.

Various roles are available to manage the participant list.

2. Presence points allowance

When the event gets closed by the administrator the presence points are automatically booked to the personal presence point balance of the active members, and of the guests and visitors . Closing an event is described in Event life cycle

Guests and visitors from other clubs will also receive their presence points with this action. Filling a presence card is not necessary anymore. For guests from other countries or from clubs not using Polaris you will still have to issue a printed presence card.

Each visitor is responsible for obtaining from the host club either an assurance that his presence is recorded in Polaris or a guest card. 

Members attending events in other clubs will thus get their presence points by that club. This is also true for district events.


When the visited club does not capturing attendance with Polaris, e.g. a club in another country,  the member will bring back a printed presence card. The presence points for such an attendance must be manually entered as a compensation in the menu "Members > Active members > tab Presence". Here is also the place where presence points for voluntary work can be allocated. On this page the presence points of the member can also be checked by the administrator.

For the maintenance of member compensation one of the three roles  "Presence administration""Member Admin." or "Unit Admin (all rights)" is required.

3. Attendance statistics

Attendance statistics are available in two forms:

Attendance rates at events for a time period

This statistic is visible in the menu "Club life > Calendar/Reports" at the bottom of the page. Attendance is also displayed for each event. You can select any time period for the calculation.

To see this statistic one of the two roles "Unit life Admin." or "Unit Admin (all rights)" is required.

Attendance rate of the members for a time period

This statistic is visible in the menu "Members > Active members > tab Presence". The attendance rate is displayed individually for each member. You can select any time period for this calculation. You can access directly from this page to the management of a member's compensations.

To see this statistic one of the two roles "Member Admin." or "Unit Admin (all rights)" is required.

4. Attendance calculation

A member's attendance for a given period is calculated by dividing his or her accumulated attendance points by the number of statutory meetings during that period.

According to the RI, attendance is capped at 100%, but Polaris also displays a calculated attendance rate above 100%.