The current SEMDA API covers
individuals of the type member and honorary member. The
individual must belong to one of the three communities: Rotary,Rotaract or Interact (not yet supported). The membership in these communities has specific differences.
2.2. Create member
In RI an individual always belongs to at least one organization. This means. that it is not possible to create an individual without an affiliation to a club. The endpoint
POST /3.0/affiliation/{ClubID}/new-individual must be used for creation of new members.
Handling of duplicates is cumbersome in RI and in Local CMS and creates high manual effort for the support and troubleshooting.
Duplicates should be avoided. A good way to avoid duplicates is to search for existing members which similar data before the member is created.
This is what the endpoint
POST /3.0/search/individuals is used for. One can search only on e-mail, first name, last name, Club-ID, club type, club name, district-Id or country, and get back only first name, middle name, last name, country and the existing affiliation to the clubs. Unfortunately e-mail is not returned, but it is possible to search on it. In this way a potential duplicate can be detected.
The related API endpoints are: