Sunday, September 22, 2024

Many Club Management Systems (Local CMS) for Rotary clubs have been developed in the past. Membership and club data management is always an integral part of such system. However all Rotary organizations are part of the worldwide organization Rotary International (RI) and thus the RI IT system is the root and master of all club and member data. Clubs must either manage their member data in the RI system (MyRotary) or somehow synchronize the data between the Local CMS and RI in order to keep both systems current.

The effort of manual data maintenance in two places is enormous. Also many errors result from such approach. Therefore an automated synchronization service SEMDA has been developed in Sweden and introduced many years ago. SEMDA utilizes the RI application programming interface (RI-API) and allows data synchronization between several local CMS and the RI.

The current SEMDA product version is 2. The demand for new functions and for technological renewal requires a rewrite of the software. SEMDA version 3 is completely new product developed from scratch. On 1 September 2023, RCS (Rotary Communication Services) took over ownership of the intellectual property of the SEMDA product and its name.

These pages are dedicated to the new SEMDA version 3 and are the starting point for existing customers as well as for interested developers.


What is SEMDA?

SEMDA topology

SEMDA is an integration gateway connecting the local Club Management Systems (Local CMS) to the central Rotary International IT systems. It serves multiple local CMS.

SEMDA allows bidirectional communication. Local CMS can send requests to retrieve data in RI- systems via SEMDA and get the results back. It can also send modification requests and get back the completion message. SEMDA takes requests from the Local CMS, consolidates and transforms them and applies the appropriate actions via RI-API to the RI systems.

SEMDA does not store or internally process any data! It passes them either to RI or to the Local CMS. Thus it is less involved in GDPR issues.

Polaris is not the only CMS consuming the services. SEMDA is available world wide as SaaS. If you want to know more about the licenses, terms and condition please send a message to

Read further articles about SEMDA:


SEMDA is not a simple pass-through service. It provides advanced and simpler integration services than the native RI services.

The RI-API is strictly synchronous. Consequently, the Local CMS are dependent on the availability and performance of the RI systems. This is cumbersome, because the Local CMS are designed as interactive systems used by several thousand users concurrently. SEMDA provides asynchronous services to the Local CMS and makes it independent on RI.

The target RI systems are very complex and have long response times. Data passed to RI is validated in the target systems. This causes even longer response and unpredictable processing times. For the Local CMS it is difficult to receive errors at a later stage. SEMDA validates request data and reports validation errors before RI-API is invoked. This allows Local CMS to implement state of the art error handling and notification service. This massively reduces the support overhead, because users are notified directly.

The granularity of the RI-API is given by the internal structures of RI data. This has an impact on the Local CMS implementation of the interface and requires mapping and restructuring of the date sent to RI. SEMDA API uses services operating on simple and common objects instead.

The RI-API itself has changed several times in the past and will change soon again. Local CMS systems will have to adapt quickly to the new API in due time. When this happens, SEMDA will adapt the gateway, but keep the API to the local CMS compatible for as long as possible. Of course, new functions may be introduced with new SEMDA versions.

RI-API is granular and requires multiple requests to be issued for certain functions. SEMDA provides advanced services by combining various RI services and consolidates the response to the Local CMS. This does massively simplify the integration into the Local CMS.

The usage of the RI-API requires certification of the corresponding Local CMS by the RI authorities. This requires substantial effort and costs.  SEMDA validates requests received from Local CMS, but is not responsible for bad data sent through it. SEMDA requires only a simplified proof of technical functions with the connected Local CMS.

However, the same security and data protection measures must be fulfilled by all Local CMS systems. This means similar contracts as with RI must be signed between the Local CMS and RCS.

Read here about SEMDA goals and differences to V2