Logical Structure
is provided as a SaaS (Software as a Service) solution to districts,
Each country has its own jurisdiction and that's why each country uses a separate Polaris instance. Polaris instances are completely separated from each other and share only the basic IT infrastructure. Consequently no data is shared between the instances.
The system and the software is owned by the association Rotary Communication Services Schweiz-Liechtenstein (RCS), a
non-profit legal entity fully controlled by the 3 Rotary Districts Switzerland/Liechtenstein.
Physical Structure
Polaris IT is built upon a private cloud technology. Each instance consists of multiple docker containers running on multiple virtual machines within a virtual data-center. The virtual data-center is provided by Metanet and spans two physical locations. It fulfills all requirements on high availability, redundancy, security and performance. Third private location is used as redundant long term backup storage. All locations are in Switzerland, no data is stored abroad.
The IT infrastructure is operated by Cloudtec, which is also responsible for the software engineering. No other company or personnel has access to it.
implements and operates online platforms and develops professional web
applications that meet the highest requirements for security and
functionality. Read more about on their Web-site.
Metanet is a certified provider operating a scalable and fully redundant infrastructure for any kind of application and business type. It utilizes over 60 server racks rented from
Equinix, SenseLAN und GTT . The own Multi-10-Gigabit-Network connects all five locations in Switzerland.
Read more about on their Web-site.