Double membership Rotary and Rotaract (D)

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Team Polaris

The administration of members in Polaris is based on the principle of maintaining the data in a single place and on the unique identification of all members. This counteracts the redundancy of dual membership. Nevertheless, dual membership in Rotary and Rotaract is possible in Polaris.

A member with dual membership can be either:

  1. member of a Rotaract club and registered as guest in a Rotary club, or ...
  2. member of a Rotary club and registered as guest in a Rotaract club.

It is more likely that Rotaractors will become Rotarians over time than vice versa. Therefore, option 2 is preferable.

The following restrictions apply:

  • The member pays dues in only one club (his/her home club).
  • His/her personal data is only maintained at the member's home club.
  • The member's attendance statistics are only kept in his/her home club.
  • The member cannot hold a board position in the guest club.  However, he or she may serve there on a committee.
  • Rotarian can not be honorary member in a Roratact club. Rotaract does not have honorary membership.

Practical Guide

If you are concerned about dual membership, consider your transfer to a Rotary Club. Then ask to be registered as a guest in your home Rotaract club. If you insist on being listed in both clubs in the Rotary International directory, ask the guest club to mark you as a honorary member.

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