Depending on your relationship to the restaurant, there are several possible ways how it can be integrated.
1. Loose integration
Loose integration means that the restaurant has no access to Polaris and will only be informed of the registrations.
1.1. The restaurant receives an e-mail for each registration/de-registration
Create the restaurant as Other contact of your club, with its appropriate e-mail. However, do not enable this account so the restaurant cannot log-in.
In the event, set the restaurant in the list of organizers and enable the registration. Each time a participant registers or de-registers, the restaurant will get an e-mail with the name of the concerned person and his/her answers.
The restaurant has to collect the information and consolidate it in order to know how many people will come and, potentially, their menu choice. Nowadays, restaurants are connected to many reservations systems, so they are able to do this.
1.2. The restaurant receives the participants list by e-mail, after registration deadline
Create the restaurant as Other contact of your club with the appropriate e-mail. However, do not enable this account so the restaurant cannot log-in.
In the event, set the
restaurant in the list of location contacts and enable the registration. Multiple recipients can be set. (BTW: The location e-mail set for a location is not meaningful for this feature).
When the registration deadline is reached, the restaurant the restaurant receives,by e-mail, an Excel file containing the names and responses of the participants. Possible side effects are:
When the deadline is extended before its expiration, the email will be sent accordingly.
When the location contact was set after the expiration of the deadline or if the registration was not enabled at that time, NO e-mail is sent. The deadline was missed.
When the location contact has been set on time and the deadline is moved after an e-mail has already been sent, a new e-mail will be sent on the new deadline.
When registrations happen on behalf of the members after the deadline, The restaurant will not be notified of these new participants.
1.3. The event organizer sends the participants list to the Restaurant
The event organizer has the Admin content role and decides about the time point when the download of the simplified participants list is appropriate. The download is available on the event detail web-page, left to the PARTICIPANTS button. The simplified list contains the names of the participants and their choices. Because in this case the restaurant e-mail address is unknown to Polaris, the event organizer must send the list from his own mail account.
2. Tight integration
Tight integration means that you trust the restaurant and give it access to Polaris as Other contact of your club. The restaurant can login and see some data of your club, members data, but can not act as a member.
Like any other Polaris user, the restaurant also gives its consent to the privacy policy. We recommend that the club explicitly makes the restaurant aware of this.
2.1. The restaurant can see the registration in Polaris
Create a new role "Restaurant", which has only Read access to the Calendar and registrations/questions, but no any other access rights. Then create the restaurant as Other contact of your club, with its
appropriate e-mail address, and enable this account, giving it the new role "Restaurant".
Because the restaurant can log-in and see the event, it can also see the registrations on the web-page and the summary for each choice. The restaurant knows how many people will come and and their potential menu choice.
The restaurant can also download, at any time, the simplified list of participants containing their names and answers. See 1.3. above.
2.2. The restaurant sees the registrations in Polaris and can captures the attendance
Create the restaurant as Other contact of your club, with its
appropriate e-mail address, and enable this account, giving it the predefined role "Attendance capture (Restaurant)".
Because the restaurant can log-in and see the event, it can also see the
registrations on the web-page and the summary for each choice. The restaurant knows how many people will come and and their potential menu choice. The restaurant can also download, at any time, the simplified list of participants containing their names and answers. See 1.3. above.
Additionally, the restaurant will see the button PARTICIPANTS on the event detail page and will be able to capture the attendance of the participants, manually or with QR code, create guests and visitors and close the event. In this way , The club function of attendance control can thus be "outsourced" to the restaurant.
See also the FAQ article
Attendance and Presence.