Version R1.3.13

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Team Polaris

Short description

R01.3.13 contains two new important features and some small bug fixes.

New features:

  • All club members can view the composition of their Board (as well as that of all clubs in their country), including past years' and next year's Boards.
  • Export of unit information (details about these informations HERE), in Excel format, is available upon request to the Polaris-Admins. This feature will no doubt be very useful to Governors in preparing their club visits..

Fixes done:

  • The club's public e-mail address is now visible without a login.
  • When the club address is missing, the value "Not given" is displayed, to avoid RI and SEMDA problems.
  • Some personal data are not hidden, despite the "Visible only to members of my club" option being checked.
  • When changing the text visibility setting in the Slider, this setting unexpectedly reverts to its default value.
  • The Newsletter footer displays the unit's default name instead of its title in the language selected for the newsletter.

For detailed information please contact your DICOs. They have access to the RedMine ticketing system containing the technical description of the fixes and new features.